UK Social Media Holiday Calendar 2025

How do you choose your social media voice?

Is it a customised campaign that focuses on your services and products for targeted voicing or more of a pre-scheduled campaign to stay present on social media without having to create custom content?

If it is pre-scheduled, we have a collection of UK diary date ideas that might work for you and your social media. There is pretty much a topic to post about every day, when it comes to special occasions and topics for social media. Here are some to get you started across 2025:

January 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

January 1. New Year’s Day #NewYearsDay 

January 2. Science Fiction Day #ScienceFictionDay 

January 2. World Introvert Day #WorldIntrovertDay 

January 3. International Mind-Body Wellness Day #MindBodyWellnessDay 

January 4. National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay  

January 8. World Typing Day #WorldTypingDay 

January 11. Human Trafficking Awareness Day #HumanTraffickingDay 

January 14. World Logic Day #WorldLogicDay 

January 15. National Hat Day #NationalHatDay 

January 16. International Hot and Spicy Food Day #InternationalHotandSpicyFoodDay 

January 16. Get to Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay 

January 17. Ditch Your Resolution Day #DitchYourResolutionDay 

January 19. National Popcorn Day #NationalPopcornDay 

January 20. Blue Monday #BlueMonday 

January 20. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day #MLKDay 

January 20. Cheese Lovers Day #CheeseLoversDay 

January 21. National Hugging Day #NationalHuggingDay 

January 24. International Education Day #InternationalDayofEducation 

January 25. Opposite Day #OppositeDay 

January 28. Data Privacy Day #PrivacyAware 

January 28. International Lego Day #LegoDay 

January 29. Chinese New Year #LunarNewYear #ChineseNewYear 

January 31. Inspire Your Heart With Art Day #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay 

February 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

Black History Month #BlackHistoryMonth 

February 2. World Wetlands Day #WorldWetlandsDay 

February 4. World Cancer Day #WorldCancerDay 

February 7. National Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay 

February 9. National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay 

February 11. Safer Internet Day #SaferInternetDay 

February 11. Inventors Day #InventorsDay 

February 11. International Day of Women and Girls in Science #WomenInScience 

February 13. World Radio Day #WorldRadioDay 

February 14. Valentine’s Day #ValentinesDay 

February 17. Random Acts of Kindness Day #RandomActsOfKindnessDay 

February 20. Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay 

February 21. International Mother Language Day #IMLD 

February 22. World Thinking Day #WorldThinkingDay  

February 28. National Skip the Straw Day #SkiptheStrawDay  

March 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

Women’s History Month #WomensHistoryMonth  

March 1. World Compliment Day #WorldComplimentDay 

March 3. World Wildlife Day #WorldWildlifeDay 

March 7. National Day of Unplugging #NationalDayOfUnplugging 

March 7. National Employee Appreciation Day #EmployeeAppreciationDay 

March 8. International Women’s Day #BeBoldForChange 

March 9. Daylight Savings #DaylightSavings 

March 10. International Day of Awesomeness #IDOA #DayOfAwesomeness 

March 13. Popcorn Lover’s Day #PopcornLoversDay

March 14. World Sleep Day #WorldSleepDay 

March 15. World Consumer Rights Day #WorldConsumerRightsDay 

March 17. St. Patrick’s Day #StPatricksDay 

March 18. Global Recycling Day #GlobalRecyclingDay  

March 20. International Day of Happiness #InternationalDayofHappiness 

March 20. World Storytelling Day #WorldStorytellingDay 

March 20. First Day of Spring #FirstDayofSpring 

March 21. World Poetry Day #WorldPoetryDay 

March 22. World Water Day #WorldWaterDay

March 23. National Puppy Day #NationalPuppyDay 

March 31. World Backup Day #WorldBackupDay 

March 31. Transgender Day of Visibility #TDOV  

April 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

April 1. April Fools Day #AprilFools 

April 2. World Autism Awareness Day #WAAD 

April 3. Find a Rainbow Day #FindARainbowDay 

April 3. World Party Day #WorldPartyDay 

April 4. Walk to Work Day #WalktoWorkDay  

April 6. National Carbonara Day #NationalCarbonaraDay 

April 7. World Health Day #WorldHealthDay 

April 10. Siblings’ Day #NationalSiblingsDay  

April 11. National Pet Day #NationalPetDay 

April 18. Good Friday Bank Holiday #GoodFriday

April 20. Easter #Easter 

April 21. Easter Monday Bank Holiday #EasterMonday

April 21. World Creativity and Innovation Day #WCIW #WCID #IAmCreative 

April 22. Earth Day #EarthDay 

April 23. World Book Day #WorldBookDay 

April 28. National Superhero Day #SuperheroDay #NationalSuperheroDay 

April 29. International Dance Day #InternationalDanceDay 

April 29. World Wish Day #WishDay #WorldWishDay 

April 30. National Honesty Day #NationalHonestyDay 

May 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

Mental Health Awareness Month #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth 

May 1. May Day #MayDay 

May 1. International Workers Day #IntWorkersDay 

May 1. World Password Day #WorldPasswordDay 

May 4. Star Wars Day #StarWarsDay & #Maythe4thBeWithYou 

May 4. World Laughter Day #LaughterDay #WorldLaughterDay 

May 5. World Asthma Day #WorldAsthmaDay

May 5. Early May Bank Holiday #EarlyMayBankHoliday

May 6. National Nurses Day #NationalNursesDay

May 9. Europe Day #EuropeDay 

May 11. Mother’s Day #MothersDay 

May 12. International Nurses Day #InternationalNursesDay 

May 15. International Day of Families #FamilyDay 

May 16. National Bike to Work Day #BTWD 

May 17. International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia #IDAHOT 

May 18. International Museum Day #International Museum Day 

May 20. World Bee Day #WorldBeeDay

May 25. National Wine Day #NationalWineDay 

May 26. Memorial Day #MemorialDay #MDW  

May 26. Spring Bank Holiday #SpringBankHoliday 

May 28. Hamburger Day #NationalHamburgerDay 

June 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

June 1. International Children’s Day #WorldChildrensDay 

June 1. Global Day of Parents #GlobalDayOfParents 

June 2. National Leave the Office Early Day #LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay 

June 3. World Bicycle Day #WorldBicycleDay  

June 5. World Environment Day #WorldEnvironmentDay 

June 6. National Higher Education Day #HigherEducationDay

June 8. World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay 

June 14. World Blood Donor Day #GiveBlood 

June 15. Father’s Day #FathersDay 

June 21. First Day of Summer #FirstDayofSummer 

June 21. International Yoga Day #InternationalYogaDay 

June 21. National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay 

June 21. World Music Day #WorldMusicDay 

June 21. National Take Your Dog to Work Day #TakeYourDogToWorkDay 

June 27. National Sunglasses Day #NationalSunglassesDay 

June 30. Social Media Day #SMDay  

July 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

July 1. International Joke Day #InternationalJokeDay 

July 2. World UFO Day #WorldUFODay  

July 7. World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay  

July 11. Cheer Up the Lonely Day #CheerUpTheLonelyDay  

July 15. Give Something Away Day #GiveSomethingAwayDay  

July 17. World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay  

July 18. World Listening Day #WorldListeningDay 

July 20. National Ice Cream Day #NationalIceCreamDay  

July 24. Tell an Old Joke Day #TellAnOldJokeDay  

July 30. International Day of Friendship #DayOfFriendship  

August 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

August 1. World Wide Web Day #WorldWideWebDay 

August 1. Respect for Parents Day #RespectForParentsDay 

August 2. National Coloring Book Day #NationalColoringBookDay 

August 8. International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay 

August 9. National Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay 

August 10. National Lazy Day #LazyDay 

August 11. National Sons and Daughters Day #SonsAndDaughtersDay 

August 12. International Youth Day #YouthDay 

August 12. World Elephant Day #WorldElephantDay 

August 13. International Lefthanders Day #LefthandersDay 

August 14. National Financial Awareness Day #FinancialAwarenessDay  

August 15. National Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay 

August 16. National Tell a Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay 

August 19. World Photo Day #WorldPhotoDay 

August 19. World Humanitarian Day #WorldHumanitarianDay 

August 20. National Lemonade Day #NationalLemonadeDay

August 25. Summer Bank Holiday #SummerBankHoliday

August 26. National Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay  

September 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

September 1. World Letter Writing Day #WorldLetterWritingDay 

September 1. Labor Day #LaborDay 

September 5. International Day of Charity #CharityDay 

September 6. Read a Book Day #ReadABookDay 

September 8. International Literacy Day #LiteracyDay 

September 11. National Day of Service and Remembrance #PatriotDay 

September 12. National Video Games Day #NationalVideoGamesDay 

September 18. International Equal Pay Day #EqualPayDay  

September 21. International Day of Peace #PeaceDay 

September 22. First Day of Fall #FirstDayOfFall 

September 27. World Tourism Day #WorldTourismDay 

September 30. International Podcast Day #InternationalPodcastDay  

October 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

Global Diversity Awareness Month #GlobalDiversityAwarenessMonth 

October 1. International Coffee Day #CoffeeDay #InternationalCoffeeDay 

October 1. World Vegetarian Day #WorldVegetarianDay 

October 2. International Day of Nonviolence #InternationalDayOfNonviolence 

October 3. National Techies Day #TechiesDay 

October 4. World Smile Day #WorldSmileDay 

October 5. World Teachers Day #WorldTeachersDay 

October 8. World Octopus Day #WorldOctopusDay 

October 9. World Sight Day #WorldSightDay 

October 10. World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHeathDay 

October 14. National Dessert Day #DessertDay 

October 15. Global Handwashing Day #GlobalHandwashingDay 

October 16. Bosses Day #BossesDay 

October 16. World Food Day #FoodDay 

October 24. United Nations Day #UNDay 

October 25. Greasy Foods Day #GreasyFoodsDay 

October 30. Checklist Day #ChecklistDay 

October 31. Halloween #Halloween  

November 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

Men’s Health Awareness Month – Movember #Movember 

November 1. World Vegan Day #WorldVeganDay  

November 1. National Authors Day #NationalAuthorsDay  

November 8. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine (STEM) Day #STEMDay  

November 13. World Kindness Day #WKD 

November 16. International Day for Tolerance #ToleranceDay 

November 17. International Students Day #InternationalStudentsDay  

November 19. International Men’s Day #InternationalMensDay 

November 19. National Entrepreneurs Day #EntrepreneursDay   

November 20. Universal Children’s Day #UNChildrensDay 

November 21. World Hello Day #WorldHelloDay 

November 27. Thanksgiving Day #Thanksgiving 

November 28. Black Friday #BlackFriday 

November 28. National Day of Listening #DayOfListening 

November 29. Small Business Saturday #ShopSmall 

November 30. Computer Security Day #ComputerSecurityDay  

December 2025 UK Social Media Calendar

December 1. World AIDS Day #WorldAIDSDay 

December 1. Cyber Monday #CyberMonday 

December 3. International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPWD 

December 4. National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay 

December 5. World Soil Day #WorldSoilDay 

December 5. International Ninja Day #InternationalNinjaDay 

December 10. International Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay 

December 10. International Animal Rights Day #AnimalRightsDay 

December 10. Nobel Prize Day #NobelPrize 

December 11. International Mountain Day #InternationalMountainDay 

December 21. First Day of Winter #WinterSolstice 

December 24. Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve #MerryChristmas 

December 25. Christmas Day #Christmas #MerryChristmas (Bank Holiday)

December 26. Boxing Day #BoxingDay (Bank Holiday)

December 31. New Year’s Eve #NYE #NewYearsEve 

December 31. No Interruptions Day #NoInterruptionsDay  

Ready for your Social Media now? Go Beyond your Normal!

Bring 2025 a change to the normal pace of your social media and increases the coverage on your social media channels. We hope this brings your brand the content you need to start creating pre-scheduled posts.

Tip: Create your social media calendar ready for each coming month. Be ready for the month with a pre—scheduled and free up your time to create personalised, targeted posts for your network!

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